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Shopify 注文マスタデータ CSV (Mmatrixify )

Shopify 注文マスタデータ CSV (Mmatrixify )







  • 運営方針
  • Shopifyアップデートによる影響
  • 掲載内容の取り扱い
  • 責任範囲
  • 内容の変更・削除
  • 保証の範囲
  • 返金キャンセルにつきまして
  • お問い合わせについて







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  エクスポート インポート
デフォルトの機能 ×



Basic Columns (基本列)





ID is automatically generated number by Shopify to identify the item.

It is filled in by an Export.

Can be used for Import to identify and update existing Orders.

When creating new Orders, leave this value empty.

Allowed Values (記入内容)

Number  : 数字

Example (例)



Name of the Order to import or export.


Shopify allows several orders to have the same name, however, the app uses the Name as the “key” to identify the existing order. So it works in a similar way as Handle for Products.

When you are importing an order with the same Name that already exists in your store, then the app will try to update or replace it (depending on what Command you have).

When migrating orders from one Shopify store to another, this Name field is the only way to tell that the order is the same as in the other store.

To be safe, be sure to have your Order names unique when importing.

If you need Shopify to generate the next Name automatically for you, leave the Name column empty, or delete it entirely from the import file. If you need your Order to consist of several rows, the next Order is determined when Number column value changes.

The maximum length of the Name is 255 characters. If you import a name longer than that, then Shopify will cut it off at that maximum.

Name cannot be updated, it can be only set when creating a new order or replacing one.

Allowed Values (記入内容)


Example (例)




When importing Order, it tells the app, what to do with it.


  • NEW: will try to create a new Order with the provided details. If such Order will already exist (with the same ID or same Name), then Order creation will fail.

  • UPDATE: Allows to update some of the existing Order attributes. Here is the list of what can be updated.

  • MERGE: If the Order with that same “Name” already exists, then update it, but if it doesn’t, then create it as new.

  • REPLACE: WARNING! Use this Command value to fully replace the whole order, not individual fields. Using this Command value, the app will delete the order from the store completely and create a new one only from data in the file, resulting in losing all data that is not included in the import file.

    If such Order with provided ID or Name exists, then the app will delete it. After that, it will create a new one. If an existing Order will not be found, then still the app will create a new Order.

  • DELETE: the app will delete the existing Order, which is found by ID or Name. If such order will not be found, then this order import will fail. This DELETE command can be very handy, when Orders need to be deleted in bulk.

    Here is our tutorial on how to bulk delete orders.

  • IGNORE: the app will ignore this Order and will skip it.

If no Command is specified, then the app will assume the NEW command.

Allowed Values (記入内容)


Example (例)


Send Receipt

Tells whether to send Order confirmation notification receipt Email to the customer when Order is created or updated.


The default is FALSE.

If the Source field is set to a value subscription_contract Shopify will automatically send an Order confirmation email to the customer.
There might be other Source field values where Shopify automatically triggers and sends Order confirmation notifications.

See column “Fulfillment: Send Receipt” for sending fulfillment receipts.

Allowed Values (記入内容)


Example (例)


Inventory Behaviour

The behavior to use when updating inventory. (default: bypass).


  • bypass: Do not claim inventory.

  • decrement_ignoring_policy: Ignore the product’s inventory policy and claim all amounts no matter what.

  • decrement_obeying_policy: Obey the product’s inventory policy.

Allowed Values (記入内容)

bypass decrement_ignoring_policy decrement_obeying_policy




Order internal number.


Cannot be set or updated and will only be used by the app to determine where the new order starts in the file if the ID and Name are empty when creating new Order.

This field is used if you want to import multiple Orders and at the same time have Shopify generate the order Names.
In that case set this field to any number for your orders so that each order gets a new number and if an order has multiple rows then those rows have the same number and are next to each other.

Allowed Values (記入内容)





Orders’ phone numbers – can be different from linked Customers’ phone numbers.


Phone number must be full – with the country code and must be valid for the respective country.
You can prefix phone numbers with ‘ (apostrophe) to allow Excel to show the + (plus) sign. But the + (plus sign) is not required.

You should set the phone number in the following format: +1 23456 7890. Make sure to include the country code (in this case, +1). It is not mandatory to use a space or dash to separate the country or regional codes from the rest of the phone number, but it can help Shopify API to better detect the country code used in the phone number.

Allowed Values (記入内容)

Phone number




Orders contact email – can be different from linked Customers email.


Shopify is very strong about validating e-mail addresses – it is checking if e-mail actually exists in real life.
If you import e-mails and get the error that the Email is not valid then first you should check that this e-mail is really correct.

Allowed Values (記入内容)





Order notes.


It can be a large text going over several lines.

Allowed Values



Here I can write any Order notes.


Tags allow you to add additional elements or “properties” to your order, which you can use for filtering.


See this tutorial on how to bulk manage your Tags.

Allowed Values (記入内容)

Comma Separated List


Urgent, To Review

Tags Command

Tell the app, what to do with Tags:


  • MERGE: will add Tags to existing tags. It means that you don’t need to list all the tags in the import file, you can import those which you want to add. If some of the tags you are importing already exist, then the app will ignore it.

  • DELETE: will delete the Tags that are listed in the import file. If the listed tag will not exist, then the app will ignore it.

  • REPLACE: will replace all existing tags with the tags from the import file. Use this method to maximize the import speed, because if you will use MERGE, it means that the app will need first to load existing tags which takes additional time.

If Tags Command is not set, the app will assume the MERGE command by default.

You can also have Tags listed in multiple rows within the item and with different Tags Commands.
They will be executed in the same order within the item as you have them listed in the file.

See this tutorial on how to bulk manage your Tags.

Allowed Values




Created At


Export only

It will be automatically set to the time when the Order was actually created. When migrating from another store, this time will always be the time of migration.


Allowed Values

Date & Time


2018-12-17 18:20:07 +0200

Updated At


Export only

It will be automatically updated, whenever you change the Order data.


Allowed Values

Date & Time


2018-12-17 18:20:07 +0200

Processed At

The date and time when an order was processed. This value is the date that appears on your orders and that’s used in the analytic reports. By default, it matches the created_at value.


When importing new order you can set this date and time and it will show in the Shopify Admin.

For API created orders it also can be updated.

Allowed Values

Date & Time


2018-12-17 18:20:07 +0200

Cancelled At

This column will show the time when the order was canceled.


It will be empty if the order is not canceled.

Allowed Values

Date & Time


2018-12-17 18:20:07 +0200

Cancel: Reason

Shows the reason, why the order was canceled.


It will be empty if the order is not canceled.

When the order is canceled, the cancel reason will be one of the following:

  • customer: The customer changed or canceled the order.

  • fraud: The order was fraudulent.

  • inventory: Items in the order were not in inventory.

  • declined: The order was canceled because the payment has been declined.

  • other: The order was canceled for a reason not in the list above.

Allowed Values




Cancel: Send Receipt

Whether to send the e-mail to the customer telling that the Order was canceled.


If the Order is already canceled then it will fail – because it cannot send the e-mail to already canceled Order.

Allowed Values




Cancel: Refund

When you are canceling the Order, if you set this to TRUE then this Order will be also fully refunded.


Allowed Values




Closed At

This column will show the time when the order was archived.


Allowed Values

Date & Time


2018-12-17 18:20:07 +0200


Currency of the Order.


Allowed Values

Currency code in ISO 4217 format




When exported, will have the original channel, where the order came from, like: web, pos, iphone, android, shopify_draft_order.


When importing as new or replaced order, you can set any value (except the following Shopify reserved words: web, pos, iphone, android, shopify_draft_order).
The Order Channel you see in Shopify Admin and Analytics will always be “Matrixify” but the custom Source will be saved in the “source_name” field in Shopify back-end (except for reserved ones).

If this field is set to a value subscription_contract Shopify will automatically send an Order confirmation email to the customer.
There might be other Source field values where Shopify automatically triggers and sends Order confirmation notifications.

If you leave this value blank when creating the order, it will be set to “Matrixify App”.

Allowed Values




Source Identifier

If you leave this value blank when creating the order, it will be set to “Matrixify App”.


Can be set when creating new order but cannot be updated.

Allowed Values




Source URL

A valid URL to the original order on the originating surface. This URL is displayed to merchants on the Order Details page.


Can be set when creating new order but cannot be updated.

Allowed Values




Physical Location


Export only

Shopify internal ID for the location where the order was processed.


Not related to Orders Fulfillment locations.



User ID


Export only

Shopify internal user ID, who created the order.


When importing, Shopify will set it to the ID of the user who initiated the import.



Checkout ID


Export only

Shopify internal ID for the checkout that customer went through.




Cart Token


Export only

For orders that were initiated through the shopping cart, this will be the reference to the cart from which the order was created.


When importing, this value cannot be set.





Export only

Token key, how the order is identified in the Shopify system.


It’s unique to all stores. You cannot set its value, it is always set by Shopify. Token is used in the Order status URL.



Order Status URL


Export only

The URL, where a customer can view their order status.



https://checkout.shopify.com/20255113 /orders/11a70068657e9f32ddcd11b7da8d797c

Weight Total

Total weight of the ordered items, in grams.

Can be set when importing new Orders. Cannot be updated for existing Orders.




Price: Total Line Items


Export only

Total price of all line items. This is calculated from actual line items, and cannot be set as a value in the import.




Price: Current Subtotal


Export only

Current value of the order, including discounts, but before shipping and taxes, after any order edits, refunds and returns.




Price: Subtotal


Export only

Value of the order, including discounts, but before shipping and taxes.




Tax columns

Whole order-level tax columns.


When importing order-level tax, Shopify will automatically split it between taxable line items.
If any Line Item or Shipping Line has tax applied in the import file, then order level tax will not be imported to avoid duplicating taxes.

You can have up to 100 different taxes applied.
If the order has multiple rows, taxes will only be taken from that order’s first row.

Tax title/name columns:

Tax 1: Title
Tax 2: Title
Tax 3: Title

Tax 100: Title



Tax rate columns:

Value 1 = 100%

Tax 1: Rate
Tax 2: Rate
Tax 3: Rate

Tax 100: Rate



Tax amount columns:

Tax 1: Price
Tax 2: Price
Tax 3: Price

Tax 100: Price



Tax: Included

Cannot be updated, it can be only set when creating a new order or replacing one.


Tells whether the order subtotal has taxes included or not.
If set to TRUE then taxes will be visible in the admin, but not added to the orders total.

Allowed Values




Tax: Total

Total amount of the tax applied to the order.


When importing Order level tax then this will be the amount that Shopify adds to the Order Total in Shopify Admin.
If left empty then app will calculate total tax for you.

Does not have any effect on Order Total if importing Line Item and/or Shipping Line level taxes.



Price: Total Discount


Export only

Orders total discount amount.




Price: Total Shipping


Export only

Orders total shipping amount.




Price: Current Total Duties


Export only

Orders current total duties amount in the shop currency.

Amount after order edits, returns, and refunds.




Price: Total Duties


Export only

Orders original total duties amount in the shop currency.




Price: Current Total Fees


Export only

The current total additional fees on the order in the shop currency.

The amount values associated with this field reflect order edits, returns, and refunds.




Price: Total Fees


Export only

The original total additional fees on the order in the shop currency.




Price: Total Refund


Export only

Orders total refunded amount.

Sum of all successful refund transaction amounts.The sum will not convert transaction currencies – it will only be the sum of the amount.

Contact Matrixify support if the value is needed in shop currency instead.




Price: Total Outstanding


Export only

The outstanding balance on the Order.




Price: Current Total


Export only

Orders current total.

The value of this field reflects order edits, returns, and refunds.In Shopify Admin you see this value as the Orders Total which might be different from the Orders Original order value.




Price: Total


Export only

Total amount of the order, including line items, discounts, shipping cost, and taxes.


If Order has been edited then the value in Shopify Admin will be displayed as Original order value, not Total.



Payment: Status

Financial status of the order. Will be one of the following:


  • pending: The finances are pending. Payment might fail in this state. Check again to confirm whether or not the finances have been paid successfully.

  • authorized: The finances have been authorized.

  • partially_paid: The finances have been partially paid.

  • paid: The finances have been paid.

  • partially_refunded: The finances have been partially refunded.

  • refunded: The finances have been refunded.

  • voided: The finances have been voided.

When importing new order, you can set this value, but this will just mark the status on Admin, however, it will not generate the respective Transactions or Refund Transaction, so the “Paid by customer” will show 0.
You cannot update this field for existing Orders, for that import actual transactions.

To have the amount visible in the “Paid by customer” you need to add the respective “Transaction” or “Refund” lines.

By default, it is set to “paid”.

Allowed Values

pending authorized partially_paid paid partially_refunded refunded voided



Order Fulfillment Status


Export only

Summarized status of the order fulfillment.


Will be one of the following:

  • <empty>: There are no fulfillments done on the order yet.

  • partial: Order is fulfilled partially, meaning that at least one item has been shipped.

  • fulfilled: All line items are fulfilled or returned. There is nothing more to fulfill.

  • restocked: All line items in the order have been restocked.

To import Order with a certain Fulfillment Status, you need to create Fulfillment Lines and fill in Fulfillment columns. See documentation further.

Tutorial – Bulk Unfulfill your Shopify Orders – cancel those Fulfillments.
Tutorial – Fulfill existing Shopify orders in bulk.

Allowed Values

<empty> fulfilled partial restocked



Additional Details

Additional details collected on the order from the customer – either from the product page or from the checkout page.


Each added property will be shown as “<name>: <value>”, and will include all of those properties as several lines inside the Excel cell.

When prepared in the same format, those details also can be imported.

Those are visible in Shopify Admin, on each Order, section “Additional Details”. This section shows only if there are any details added, otherwise it’s not visible there.

Read more about collecting additional data for orders:

By default app will export each name: value combination in a new row. If you need to change new line to a different symbol to separate different name: value combinations reach out to our support.

Allowed Values

Lines of

name: value


Gift wrapped: yes Door code: 1234

Purchase Order Number


Export only

The purchase order number associated to this order.







Each Order can have one customer or no customer at all.

When importing Orders with Customer data, Shopify will link existing customer to the Order by Customer: ID or Customer: Email , if the id and email fields are empty then the app will attempt yo link customer to the order by the  Customer: Phone.
If an existing customer is not found, then a new one will be created and linked to the Order.

If you need to change the fields of existing Customer, you cannot change them through Order – you need to import the update through the Customers sheet.



Description / Example Value

Customer: ID

Shopify generated Customer ID. If specified existing customer ID from that store, Order will be linked to that customer.If you don’t have an ID, then leave it empty, and Shopify will link to existing customer by Customer Email.


Cannot be updated, can be only set when creating a new order or replacing one.

Allowed Values




Customer: Email

Customer e-mail who purchased the Order.

The app will link to existing store Customer by this e-mail or Phone number if e-mail is empty. If the app will not be able to find existing customer to link to, it will create a new customer.Shopify is very strong about validating e-mail addresses – it is checking if e-mail actually exists in real life. If you import e-mails and get the error that Email is not valid then first you should check that this e-mail is really correct. If it happens to be some old customer Email which you still need to import then you can move that Email value to Note field and leave this Email field empty.To change for an existing Order – change the data of the Customer.
To update order contact email, see Email column.


Allowed Values




Customer: Phone

Phone number must be full – with the country code and must be valid for the respective country.


You can prefix phone numbers with ‘ (apostrophe) to allow Excel to show the + (plus) sign. But the + (plus sign) is not required.

You should set the phone number in the following format: +1 23456 7890. Make sure to include the country code (in this case, +1). It is not mandatory to use a space or dash to separate the country or regional codes from the rest of the phone number, but it can help Shopify API to better detect the country code used in the phone number.

The app will clean out any non-digit characters from the Phone field.

If e-mail is empty, the app will search existing customer by Phone number – and if will find, then will attach this order to that customer.

To change for an existing Order – change the data of the Customer.
To update order contact phone, see Phone column.

Allowed Values

Phone Number



Customer: First Name

The first name of the Customer.To change for an existing Order – change the data of the Customer.


Allowed Values




Customer: Last Name

The last name of the Customer.To change for an existing Order – change the data of the Customer.


Allowed Values




Customer: Note

Whatever is written on the Customer card, accessible from Shopify Admin.To change for an existing Order – change the data of the Customer.


Allowed Values



Your notes go here.

Customer: Orders Count


Export only

Total count of orders made by this Customer.


Shopify does not update this field in real time for Shopify API. The sync might be delayed for up to 24 hours.
Exported value might be different from real Customers’ Order Count value.

Allowed Values




Customer: State

The Customer status – one of those:


  • disabled: customers are disabled by default until they are invited.

  • invited: the customer has been emailed an invite to create an account.

  • enabled: the customer accepted the email invite and created an account.

  • declined: the customer declined the email invite to create an account. If the Customer has declined your invitation, you cannot generate new Account Activation URL.

To change for an existing Order – change the data of the Customer.

Allowed Values

disabled invited enabled declined



Customer: Total Spent


Export only

Total amount the customer has spent.


Shopify does not update this field in real time for Shopify API. The sync might be delayed for up to 24 hours.
Exported value might be different from real Customers’ Total Spent value.

Allowed Values




Customer: Tags

Tags allow you to add additional elements or “properties” to your Customer, which you can use for filtering, for developing some additional logic for those Customers in your Store Theme.To change for an existing Order – change the data of the Customer.


Allowed Values

Comma Separated List


Friend, Migrated

Customer: Email Marketing Status

Whether the Customer accepted that he can be sent Marketing e-mails.


The value can be imported when creating new Order and new Customer is being created.
To change for an existing Order or Customer – change the data of the Customer.

Allowed Values


See each possible value explained in Shopify API documentation.



Customer: SMS Marketing Status

Whether the Customer accepted that he can be sent Marketing SMS.


The value can be imported when creating new Order and new Customer is being created.
To change for an existing Order or Customer – change the data of the Customer.

Allowed Values


See each possible value explained in Shopify API documentation.



Customer: Tax Exempt

Whether the Customer has attribute tax exempt enabled.


To change for an existing Order – change the data of the Customer.

Allowed Values





Customers – Billing Address Columns

All the following fields will be shown in the Order in the Billing Address block. When imported, will be added as one of the addresses for the Customer, too.



Billing: First Name

The first name of the Customer in the Billing Address.


Allowed Values




Billing: Last Name

The last name of the Customers address.


Required. If empty, the address will not be created.

Allowed Values




Billing: Name

Both First and Last name of the customer’s address.

When imported – at first the Billing: First Name and Billing: Last Name columns will be considered. But if those are not included in the Import file, then the Billing: Name will be imported instead. Shopify splits the Name automatically to First/Last Name.


Allowed Values




Billing: Company

Company name, if the billing address is a company.


Allowed Values



Smith Inc.

Billing: Phone

Phone number to use for this address.


You should set the phone number in the following format: +1 23456 7890. Make sure to include the country code (in this case, +1). It is not mandatory to use a space or dash to separate the country or regional codes from the rest of the phone number, but it can help Shopify API to better detect the country code used in the phone number.

Allowed Values

Phone Number



Billing: Address 1

Address 1st line.


Required. If empty, the address will not be created.

Allowed Values



Calvin Street 5

Billing: Address 2

Address 2nd line.


Allowed Values



2nd Floor

Billing: Zip

Zip number of the address. Shopify doesn’t check its correctness.


Allowed Values




Billing: City

City name. Is not checked, so it’s possible to enter any city name.


Required. If empty, the address will not be created.

Allowed Values




Billing: Province

Province names are checked against Shopify geographic classifier. If provided province will not be valid, then Shopify will accept it, but it will be empty on the customer card.


If you are not sure, what are available values, go to Shopify Admin, edit the Address, and click the drop-down to choose the Province for chosen Country.

If Province Code is filled, this can be left empty, then Province will be set from there.

You can see list of all Shopify approved Countries, Provinces, and their codes in Matrixify Countries and Provinces documentation.

Allowed Values

Province Name



Billing: Province Code

In Shopify classifier there are Province Codes. If provided province code will not be valid, then Shopify will accept it, but it will be empty on the customer card.


If Province is filled, this can be left empty, then Province will be set from there.

You can see list of all Shopify approved Countries, Provinces, and their codes in Matrixify Countries and Provinces documentation.

Allowed Values

Province Code



Billing: Country

Country names are checked against Shopify geographic classifier. If the provided country will not be valid, then Shopify will accept it, but it will be empty on the customer card.


If you are not sure, what are available values, go to Shopify Admin, edit the Address, and click the drop-down to choose the Country.

If Country Code is filled, this can be left empty, then Country will be set from there.

You can see list of all Shopify approved Countries, Provinces, and their codes in Matrixify Countries and Provinces documentation.

Required Country or Country Code. If empty, the address will not be created.

Allowed Values

Country Name



Billing: Country Code

Country international code, consisting of 2 letters.


If Country is filled, this can be left empty, then Country will be set from there.

You can see list of all Shopify approved Countries, Provinces, and their codes in Matrixify Countries and Provinces documentation.

Allowed Values

Country Code



Customers – Shipping Address Columns

All the following fields will be shown in the Order in the Shipping Address block. When imported, it will be added as one of the addresses for the Customer, too.


Description / Example Value

Shipping: First Name

The first name of the Customer in the Shipping Address.


Allowed Values




Shipping: Last Name

The last name of the Customer.


Allowed Values




Shipping: Name

Full name of the Customer.

When imported – at first the Shipping: First Name and Shipping: Last Name columns will be considered. But if those are not included in the Import file, then the Shipping: Name will be imported instead. Shopify splits the Name automatically to First/Last Name.


Allowed Values



John Smith

Shipping: Company

Company name, if the billing address is a company.


Allowed Values



Smith Inc.

Shipping: Phone

Phone number to use for this address.


You should set the phone number in the following format: +1 234567890. Make sure to include the country code (in this case, +1). It is not mandatory to use a space or dash to separate the country or regional codes from the rest of the phone number, but it can help Shopify API to better detect the country code used in the phone number.

Allowed Values

Phone Number



Shipping: Address 1

Address 1st line.


Allowed Values



Calvin Street 5

Shipping: Address 2

Address 2nd line.


Allowed Values



2nd Floor

Shipping: Zip

Zip number of the address. Shopify doesn’t check its correctness.


Allowed Values




Shipping: City

City name. Is not checked, so it’s possible to enter any city name.


Allowed Values




Shipping: Province

Province names are checked against Shopify geographic classifier. If provided province will not be valid, then Shopify will accept it, but it will be empty on the customer card.


If you are not sure, what are available values, go to Shopify Admin, edit the Address, and click the drop-down to choose the Province for chosen Country.

If the Province Code is filled, this can be left empty, then Province will be set from there.

Allowed Values

Province Name



Shipping: Province Code

In Shopify classifier there are Province Codes. If provided province code will not be valid, then Shopify will accept it, but it will be empty on the customer card.


If Province is filled, this can be left empty, then Province will be set from there.

Allowed Values

Province Code



Shipping: Country

Country names are checked against Shopify geographic classifier. If the provided country will not be valid, then Shopify will accept it, but it will be empty on the customer card.


If you are not sure, what are available values, go to Shopify Admin, edit the Address, and click the drop-down to choose the Country.

If Country Code is filled, this can be left empty, then Country will be set from there.

Required Country or Country Code. If empty, the address will not be created.

Allowed Values

Country Name



Shipping: Country Code

Country international code, consisting of 2 letters.


If Country is filled, this can be left empty, then Country will be set from there.

Allowed Values

Country Code





Customers – Browser Related Columns

All the following columns provide valuable information about the customer, the source the customer came from, even the marketing campaign.




Browser: IP


Export only

The IP address of the customer at the moment of purchase.


Allowed Values

IP Address


Browser: Width


Export only

Width of the customer browser window, in pixels.


Allowed Values




Browser: Height


Export only

Height of the customer browser window, in pixels.


Allowed Values




Browser: User Agent


Export only

Full user agent string of the customer browser. From this string, it is possible to reconstruct further details like the used browser and the operating system.


There are different online resources that allow decoding this information, for Example: https://useragentapi.com

Allowed Values



Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_13_2) AppleWebKit/604.4.7 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/11.0.2 Safari/604.4.7

Browser: Landing Page


Export only

The first page the client landed on your site, before making the purchase. This allows you to analyze, which pages are the ones that drive most purchases eventually, and also allows you to draw conclusions about the effectiveness of your marketing efforts.


Allowed Values




Browser: Referrer

The site, where your customer came from when eventually made a purchase order. This allows you to understand, what are your most valuable traffic sources.

Can be imported for new Orders, cannot be updated for existing Orders.


Allowed Values




Browser: Referrer Domain


Export only

Since the Referrer URLs will be listed with all the URL parameters, it might be hard to conclude, which of the traffic sources give the most valuable traffic. That’s why this field contains just the domain of the referrer so that you can group them together when doing your analysis.


Allowed Values




Browser: Search Keywords


Export only

Keywords used in the search engines, when your store was found, which led to the order. This is an even deeper insight into how your customers find your store, and which keywords sell.


Allowed Values



blue tshirt with thousand colors

Browser: Ad URL


Export only

The destination URL that was included in your Ad. This allows you to know and measure, which URLs from your ad campaigns are most effective to produce orders.


Allowed Values




Browser: UTM Source


Export only

Source, extracted from Shopify Order landing_site field – UTM parameter utm_source. If the landing_site field does not have any UTM parameters then they will be taken from the referring_site order field.


For AdWords campaigns, those parameters are set automatically, but you can also send traffic to your store by filling them according to your needs.

Read more about UTM parameters here: https://ga-dev-tools.appspot.com/campaign-url-builder/

Allowed Values




Browser: UTM Medium


Export only

Medium, extracted from Shopify Order landing_site field – UTM parameter utm_medium. If the landing_site field does not have any UTM parameters then they will be taken from the referring_site order field.


Allowed Values




Browser: UTM Campaign


Export only

Campaign, extracted from Shopify Order landing_site field – UTM parameter utm_campaign. If the landing_site field does not have any UTM parameters then they will be taken from the referring_site order field.


Allowed Values




Browser: UTM Term


Export only

Term, extracted from Shopify Order landing_site field – UTM parameter utm_term. If the landing_site field does not have any UTM parameters then they will be taken from the referring_site order field.


Identifies the paid search keywords entered by the customer, when showing your ad campaign.

Allowed Values




Browser: UTM Content


Export only

Content, extracted from Shopify Order landing_site field – UTM parameter utm_content. If the landing_site field does not have any UTM parameters then they will be taken from the referring_site order field.


Identifies the ad variation, or the specific element or version you are testing for your campaign.

Allowed Values







Company linked to the order.

When creating Order you can also link Order to the Company.
For Order to be linked to the Company, you must specify:




Company: ID

Shopify internal ID for the linked Company.


Allowed Values




Company: Name

Name of the Company linked to the Order.


Allowed Values




Company: External ID


Export only

External ID for the Company linked to the Order.


Allowed Values




Company: Location ID

Shopify internal ID for the Company Location linked to the Order.


Allowed Values




Company: Location Name

Company Location Name linked to Order.


Allowed Values



Shopify South Warehouse

Company: Location External ID


Export only

Company Location External ID linked to the Order.


Allowed Values






Line Type



Line: Type

An order consists of “Line Items”, where each of them as a certain line type. That allows to group items together in a fashion that can be reconciled with actual order data, and most importantly – cross-check that all amounts match.


Some of the line types will have details in the Line Item columns, but some will have details in their own respective columns.

  • Line Item: Order line item.

  • Discount: Discount which is applied to the whole order. An Order can have only one discount line.

  • Shipping Line: Shipping cost of the whole order. An Order can have only one shipping line.

  • Transaction: Indicating that in this line the transaction columns are filled. Each transaction line represents one actual transaction for the Order. See more details in the Transaction Columns section. If the transaction is a refund transaction, then it can reference several refund lines – through common refund columns. When importing, if the file does not have any rows where Line: Type is set to Transaction then the app will also import transactions from other rows where Transaction columns are filled.

  • Refund Line: Line items that belong to a certain refund. Must have the same attributes filled for line items, and show the quantity and totals in reverse – depending on how much is being refunded. Also, the Refund Columns need to be filled for each refund line. One Order can have many refunds, with many refund lines per refund.

  • Refund Shipping: If you need to refund the Shipping Line, then those details need to be entered in this line. One refund can combine refund lines and refund shipping lines. Shipping can be refunded several times until the refunded amount fully exhausts the initial shipping line amount.

  • Fulfillment Line: Indicates that in this line the Fulfillment details are written. Each Order can have several Fulfillments. And each Fulfillment can have several Fulfillment Lines – one line per Line Item being fulfilled. An Order can have additional fulfillments until all line items fulfillable quantities are fulfilled completely. If you want the whole order to be fulfilled, leave the rest of Line: column values empty.

  • Ignore: If you need to add custom lines in your fie for your Order, for example, to construct formulas, then you can use the Ignore value in the Line: Type column. The app will ignore this column and will not take any not order base values from this row.

This column is validated by the app. If an invalid value is entered then that Order will fail to import.

Allowed Values

Line Item Discount Shipping Line Transaction Refund Line Refund Shipping Fulfillment Line Ignore


Line Item

Row #


Export only

Will have row number from 1 till the end for each row. So that if you change the sorting in your exported file to easier update your data, you can sort it back by “Row #” and return it to the original sorting. Because, you know, all the item data should be together – and if you change the sorting, you need to sort it back.

Top Row


Export only

It will have value “TRUE” for each “top row” of the item. That can help you filter in Excel to get only the base rows, in case you need to get rid of repeated rows for each item. Some sheets already had this as Primary Row column earlier, but we have added it now to all the sheets now and renamed to Top Row so it’s more clear.



Line Items

Each Order must have at least one line item.




Line: ID

The line identifier.


When exporting, the Shopify generated IDs will be used.

Some lines need ID, some don’t, depending on the line type:

  • Line Item: each will have its own Line ID, generated by Shopify. When creating a new Order, Line:ID must be filled with any unique number.

  • Discount: has no Line ID

  • Shipping Line: has an ID, generated by Shopify. When creating a new Order, can leave empty.

  • Transaction: has no Line ID, because Transaction ID is stored in the “Transaction: ID” column.

  • Refund Line: has the same ID as the Line Item that is being refunded. That allows to precisely match line items and refund lines in reports. When creating a new Order, can leave empty.

  • Refund Shipping: has a specific ID taken from the shipping refund entry. When creating a new Order, can leave empty.

  • Fulfillment Line: has the same ID as the Line Item that is being fulfilled. That allows to precisely match line items and fulfillment lines in reports. When creating a new Order, can leave empty.

Allowed Values




Line: Command

The command for what to do with the “Line Item” row types, when updating an existing Order.


Allowed values:

  • DEFAULT – will create those Line Items only when creating a new Order, and will not try to add any new Line Items when updating.

  • MERGE – will create those Line Items when creating a new Order, and will also try to add any new Line Items to that Order if it is not already added to the Order.

Note that Shopify doesn’t allow adding Line Items to an Archived Order – that’s why we will unarchive, add, and archive your Order if it’s Archived.
See our tutorial on how to bulk add Line Items to existing Orders.



Line: Product ID

Product ID of the line item, generated by Shopify – if the line item is a product.


Line items can be custom, without a link to the Product, in that case, the Product ID will be empty.

When importing an Order, can have a real product ID from the store. If such ID will not be found in the store (e.g. when copying Orders from another store), then the app will try to match it by “Line: Product Handle” column value.

Allowed Values




Line: Product Handle

This is the secondary way, how to identify the product if it can’t be found by Product ID.


It is used in cases when copying orders from one store to another, which have the same Products – then the right product will be linked to the order by the Handle.

If no Product Handle is set in the file, then the app will try to link Line Item to the product by the Line: SKU column.

Allowed Values




Line: Title

Has a different value, depending on the Line Type:


  • Line Item: the title of the Order line item. When importing, even if the actual linked product will have a different title, the Order line item title will be set to this one.

  • Discount: “percentage”, “fixed_amount” or “shipping”. Shipping and Fixed Amount discounts will take value from Line: Discount, but percentage discount will take percent from Line: Price.

  • Shipping Line: the shipping title written in free form.

  • Transaction: empty

  • Refund Line: must match the “Line: Title” of the line item that is being refunded, because it is used as part the key identifying the refunded line item.

  • Refund Shipping: empty

  • Fulfillment Line: must match the “Line: Title” of the item that is being fulfilled, because it is used as part the key identifying the fulfilled line item.

If Title will contain any HTML tags then they will be removed by the app upon import.

Allowed Values



Tshirt With Picture Of Me

Line: Name

Has a different value, depending on the Line Type:


  • Line Item: full name of the Order line item, which includes the variant title. Formatted: <product title> – <variant title>. When importing – Shopify ignores the attribute and uses product and variant titles .

  • Discount: the free text comment that was written for the discount. If the discount code was used, then it will be here.

  • Shipping Line: the shipping code, usually has value “custom”.

  • Transaction: empty

  • Refund Line: in export will match the line item name. In import can be anything – it will be saved, but will not be visible anywhere on the Order screen.

  • Refund Shipping: empty

  • Fulfillment Line: in export will match the line item name. In import can be anything – it will be saved, but will not be visible anywhere on the Order screen.

Allowed Values



Tshirt With Picture Of Me - Red / XS

Line: Variant ID

Variant ID of the line item, generated by Shopify – if the line item is a product.


In the case of the a custom line item, this ID will be empty.

When importing an Order, you can have a real variant ID from the store. If such ID will not be found in the store for that product (e.g. when copying Orders from another store), then the app will try to match it by “Line: SKU” column value.

If you only have the “Variant: ID” value – you can still link that variant to the Product Variant in the Line Item by filling this value with the corresponding Product “Variant ID” value.

Allowed Values




Line: Variant Title

Has a different value, depending on the Line Type:


  • Line Item: the title of the product variant included in the line item.

  • Discount: empty

  • Shipping Line: the shipping source, usually “shopify”.

  • Transaction: empty

  • Refund Line: must match the “Line: Variant Title” of the line item that is being refunded, because it is used as part the key identifying the refunded line item.

  • Refund Shipping: empty

  • Fulfillment Line: must match the “Line: Variant Title” of the item that is being fulfilled, because it is used as part the key identifying the fulfilled line item.

Allowed Values



Red / XS

Line: SKU

Has a different value, depending on the Line Type:


  • Line Item: the SKU of the product variant included in the line item.

    If there is no Line: Product ID and Line: Product Handle in the file, then the app will use SKU to find existing product and link Line Item to the Product.

  • Discount: empty

  • Shipping Line: empty

  • Transaction: empty

  • Refund Line: must match the “Line: SKU” of the line item that is being refunded, because it is used as part the key identifying the refunded line item.

  • Refund Shipping: empty

  • Fulfillment Line: must match the “Line: SKU” of the item that is being fulfilled, because it is used as part the key identifying the fulfilled line item.

Allowed Values




Line: Quantity

Has a different value, depending on the Line Type:


  • Line Item: the quantity of the line item purchased.

  • Discount: empty

  • Shipping Line: empty

  • Transaction: empty

  • Refund Line: the quantity restocked back if a refund is done with restocking. The number is negative.

  • Refund Shipping: empty

  • Fulfillment Line: the quantity being fulfilled in that particular line of fulfillment. The number is negative.

Having positive and negative quantities in their respective lines allows summing this quantity column and will always give a quantity that still needs to be either fulfilled or refunded. Good for reporting.

Allowed Values




Line: Price

Has a different value, depending on the Line Type:


  • Line Item: the price of one line item purchased.

  • Discount: If Discount type in Line: Title is percentage then in this column you will see the percentage value.

  • Shipping Line: the price of the shipping applied to the order.

  • Transaction: empty

  • Refund Line: must match the “Line: Price” of the line item that is being refunded, because it is used as part the key identifying the refunded line item.

  • Refund Shipping: the amount of shipping being refunded. Positive number.

  • Fulfillment Line: must match the “Line: Price” of the item that is being fulfilled, because it is used as part the key identifying the fulfilled line item.

Allowed Values




Line: Discount

Has a different value, depending on the Line Type:


  • Line Item: line item discount. Can be entered only through Shopify Admin, and will be filled for the export. When importing, this value will be automatically added to the order discount, because Shopify doesn’t allow setting line item discounts through API. The amount is negative.

  • Discount: the whole order discount amount. The amount is negative.

  • Shipping Line: empty

  • Transaction: empty

  • Refund Line: empty

  • Refund Shipping: empty

  • Fulfillment Line: empty

Amounts in this column are organized so that you can sum all discount column per order, and get the correct total discount value for that Order.

Allowed Values




Line: Discount Allocation


Export only

Line Items allocated order discount amount. Cannot be imported.


When Order level discount is applied then it might only apply to specific Line Items. See this exported column to know how much of each Discount is allocated to each Line Item.

Allowed Values




Line: Discount per Item


Export only


Line item level discount devided with line item quantity. Cannot be imported.


Allowed Values




Line: Total


Export only

Has a different value, depending on the Line Type:


  • Line Item: line item total as Quantity * Price + Discount (because Discount is negative).

  • Discount: the whole order discount amount. The amount is negative.

  • Shipping Line: the price of the shipping applied to the Order.

  • Transaction: empty

  • Refund Line: refunded line item total as “refunded quantity” * Price (result will be negative because refunded quantity is negative).

  • Refund Shipping: the total amount of shipping being refunded. Negative number. When importing app will read shipping refund value from this column, if empty then from Line: Price.

  • Fulfillment Line: empty

Amounts in this column are organized so that you can sum all Line Totals per order, and get the correct total value for that Order. If the order is fully refunded, then the sum of all total lines for that Order must be 0.

Allowed Values




Line: Grams

Has a different value, depending on the Line Type:


  • Line Item: weight per line item sold (weight of one item).

  • Discount: empty

  • Shipping Line: empty

  • Transaction: empty

  • Refund Line: must match the “Line: Grams” of the item that is being refunded, because it is used as part the key identifying the fulfilled line item.

  • Refund Shipping: empty

  • Fulfillment Line: must match the “Line: Grams” of the item that is being fulfilled, because it is used as part the key identifying the fulfilled line item.

Allowed Values




Line: Requires Shipping

Has a different value, depending on the Line Type:


  • Line Item: TRUE if the line item requires shipping.

  • Discount: empty

  • Shipping Line: empty

  • Transaction: empty

  • Refund Line: TRUE if the line item requires shipping.

  • Refund Shipping: empty

  • Fulfillment Line: TRUE if the line item requires shipping.

If imported empty – we will not send this field to Shopify, which will delegate this decision to Shopify – whether set to true or false automatically, depending on the linked product.

Allowed Values




Line: Vendor

Vendor name of the product purchased.


  • Line Item: Vendor name of the product purchased.

  • Discount: empty

  • Shipping Line: Shipping Carrier Identifier – a reference to the carrier service that provided the rate. Present when the rate was computed by a third-party carrier service.

  • Transaction: empty

  • Refund Line: Matching value with the Line Item refunded.

  • Fulfillment Line: Matching value with the Line Item fulfilled.

Allowed Values




Line: Properties

Additional details collected on the order from the customer about the line item – either from the product page or from the checkout page.


Each added property will be shown as “<name>: <value>”, and will include all of those properties as several lines inside the Excel cell.

When prepared in the same format, those details also can be imported.

Those are visible in Shopify Admin, on Order, for each Line Item. Those properties show only if there are any added, otherwise, they are not shown here.

Read more about collecting additional properties for order line items:

If the name or value part itself will contain : then app will escape it with \.
ASk our support if you need for app to specifically not escape additional :.

Allowed Values

Lines of

name: value


Color: Red Engraving: My Name

Line: Gift Card

TRUE if the line item is a gift card.


If Line Item is Gift Card then by default Shopify automatically fulfills the Gift Card Line Items once the order is paid.
This setting can be adjusted in Shopify Admin -> Settings -> Checkout -> Order processing.

Allowed Values




Line: Force Gift Card

Sending (fulfilling) gift cards is Shopify setting that can be disabled in a store, but it turned on by default.

This column is for additional safety so that Gift Cards are not sent for old orders when migrating from store to store.Default and exported value is “No” – Importing with “No” will import the line item as a custom line item so that Shpify does not automatically send out actual gift cards to customers.Importing value “Yes” – allows creating a fulfillment of the Gift Card as a real one, and send it to the Customer. Might fail if Shopify also is auto-fulfilling Gift Cards as well.Importing value “Shopify” – creates a real Gift Card line item, and delegate the fulfillment action to whatever is configured in Shopify Admin -> Settings -> Checkout.


Allowed Values

No Yes Shopify



Line: Taxable

TRUE if the line item is taxable.


If imported empty – we will not send this field to Shopify, which will delegate this decision to Shopify – whether set to true or false automatically, depending on the linked product.

Allowed Values




Line: Tax Total


Export only

Sum of taxes in this line.


Allowed Values




Line Tax Columns

Whole order-level tax columns.


Will apply only tax to the line item where specified, to split the tax between all taxable line items, use order-level tax columns.

Can be applied to Line Item and Shipping Line rows.

You can have up to 100 different taxes applied to each line item.
In the export, the first 3 Line Item Tax columns will be within other Order Line Item columns, if you have more than 3 Line Item taxes, then those columns will get added at the end of the file.

Tax title/name columns:

Line: Tax 1 Title
Line: Tax 2 Title
Line: Tax 3 Title

Line: Tax 100 Title



Tax rate columns:

Value 1 = 100%

Line: Tax 1 Rate
Line: Tax 2 Rate
Line: Tax 3 Rate

Line: Tax 100 Rate



Tax amount columns:

Line: Tax 1 Price
Line: Tax 2 Price
Line: Tax 3 Price

Line: Tax 100 Price



Line: Fulfillable Quantity


Export only

The quantity of the line item that is still left to be fulfilled.


For import this is calculated from actual fulfillments.

Allowed Values




Line: Fulfillment Service

Cannot be set for Order Line Items.


In the Import process only used for Shipping Line rows – Requested Fulfillment Service ID.
A reference to the fulfillment service that is being requested for the shipping method. Present if the shipping method requires processing by a third-party fulfillment service; null otherwise.

Exported Values for Line Items

manual amazon shipware <other provider handle>



Line: Fulfillment Status


Export only

Summary of the line item fulfillment status:


  • fulfilled: line item is fulfilled completely

  • partial: part of line item is fulfilled

  • <empty>: line item is not started to fulfill

Allowed Values

fulfilled partial <empty>



Line: Pre Tax Price


Export only

Line Items price pre-tax and after line item level and order level discounts.


Is only returned by Shopify and exported for Shopify Plus stores that have the Avalara AvaTax app installed.

Allowed Values






Line Items Product Data

Those columns are only exported. They will get ignored if being imported back.

Note that if you change the data of your Shopify Product, the Order Line items will remain as they were when the order was placed, but the Product Data columns will contain the current product data.




Line: Product Type


Export only

Line items linked products Type.


Allowed Values




Line: Product Tags


Export only

Line items linked products Tags.


Allowed Values



Color: Red, Eatable, Featured, Type: Skirt

Line: Variant SKU


Export only

Variant SKU for the Product Variant linked to the Orders Line Item.


Allowed Values




Line: Variant Barcode

Product Variant Barcode. In Shopify, Order itself does not have any Barcode value saved. This field will represent the Barcode as it is set for the actual Product Variant in the store that is linked to the Orders Line item.

The barcode field might be used for GTIN, UPC, EAN, ISBN, or any other custom number in the product variant.


When importing new Orders or adding line items to existing Order – if file does not have Line: Variant ID or Line: SKU specified then app will try to link orders line item to the product by this field.

Allowed Values




Line: Variant Weight


Export only

Variant Weight for the Product Variant linked to the Orders Line Item.


Allowed Values




Line: Variant Weight Unit


Export only

Variant Weight Unit for the Product Variant linked to the Orders Line Item.


Allowed Values




Line: Variant Inventory Qty


Export only

Variant Inventory Quantity for the Product Variant linked to the Orders Line Item.


If you have the inventory distributed across several locations, then this quantity will show the total sum of available inventory of this variant across all your locations.

Allowed Values




Line: Variant Cost


Export only

Variant Cost for the Product Variant linked to the Orders Line Item.


Allowed Values




Line: Variant Price
Export only

Variant Price for the Product Variant linked to the Orders Line Item.


Allowed Values




Line: Variant Compare at Price


Export only

Variants Compare at Price for the Product Variant linked to the Orders Line Item.


Allowed Values




Line: Variant Country of Origin


Export only

Linked Product Variants country code of origin.


Allowed Values

Two-character country code



Line: Variant Province of Origin


Export only

Linked Product Variants province code of origin.


Allowed Values

Two-character province code



Line: Variant HS Code


Export only

Linked Product Variants Harmonized System (HS) code.


Allowed Values







Refund columns extend the rows of line type “Refund Line”, and contain additional data about refunds.




Refund: ID

The ID of the refund, generated by Shopify.


When importing, need to be the same number for all the refund lines that belong to the same Refund. This number will be used to link those refund lines together and include them in that refund transaction.

Allowed Values




Refund: Created At

Date and time when the refund was created and processed.


In the export, this field will be when the Refund was actually created in Shopify.

When importing new refund, the app will set this date as Refund Processed At date in Shopify.

Allowed Values

Date & Time


2018-12-17 18:20:07 +0200

Refund: Note

Note attached to the refund, usually explaining the refund reason.


Allowed Values



Agreed with customer.

Refund: Restock

TRUE if the line items are being restocked. Meaning that quantities are increased back in stock.


Allowed Values




Refund: Restock Type

If “Refund: Restock” is set as TRUE then you can specify the restock type.


  • cancel: Use when restocking unfulfilled line items. The canceled quantity will be added back to the available count. The number of fulfillable units for this line item will decrease.

  • return: Use when restocking fulfilled line items that will be returned to the inventory. The returned quantity will be added back to the available count. The number of fulfillable units for this line item will remain unchanged.

Allowed Values

cancel return



Refund: Restock Location

If you have the “Refund: Restock” set as TRUEthen you can set here the name of the location to which the restocked items should be sent. If you leave this empty then the items will be sent back to the default location.


Read more about Multi-Location Inventory.

Allowed Values

Location Name


Main Warehouse

Refund: Send Receipt

When you create a Refund, set this to TRUE if you want the customer to receive a notification receipt of that refund.


By default this is set to FALSE.

Allowed Values




Refund: Generate Transaction

In a few cases, in Shopify, there are refunds that do not contain any transactions. If this column has value FALSE then the app will not automatically generate any extra transactions and if there are none linked in the file to the Refund then the Refund will be imported without transactions. If there is a Transaction listed in the file that is linked to the refund, then that will still be imported.


If you need for the app to generate Transaction automatically, for example, when bulk importing Refunds, then you can have this column with value TRUE.
In import, if this column is not in the file or is empty, the app will assume the value TRUE.

In exported file always exported as FALSE.

Allowed Values







Transaction columns extend the rows of Line: Type column has value Transaction, and contain data about transactions.
When importing Orders, if the file does not have any rows where Line: Type is set to Transaction then the app will also import transactions from other rows where the following Transaction columns are filled.




Transaction: ID


Export only

The ID of the transaction, generated by Shopify.


When the transaction for a refund is created, it needs to have also the column “Refund: ID” filled with the same refund ID that was assigned to all refund line items. That way the transaction is linked to the refund.

Allowed Values




Transaction: Kind

  • authorization: represents an amount reserved against the cardholder’s funding source. Money does not change hands until an authorization is captured by “capture” transaction. There can be only one authorization transaction per Order.

  • capture: transfer of the money that was reserved during the authorization stage. There can be several capture transactions per order, until they reach the total sum of authorization transaction.

  • sale: an authorization and capture performed together in a single step, usually by pressing the “Paid” button in the Shopify Admin. In this case there will be no associated card transaction. There can be only one sale transaction per Order.

    You can import sale transaction for existing order with remaining amount to mark the order as paid.

  • refund: a partial or full return of captured funds. A refund can only happen after a capture or sale transaction, and cannot exceed their amount. There can be several refund transactions – one per Refund.

  • void: cancellation of a transaction.

Allowed Values

authorization sale capture refund void



Transaction: Processed At

Date and time when the transaction was created.


Can be imported when creating a new order and analytics should show the Transactions on the correct dates.
Cannot be updated for existing Transactions and cannot be set when importing transactions for existing Orders.

Allowed Values

Date & Time


2018-12-17 18:20:07 +0200

Transaction: Amount

The transaction amount.


For the capture transactions, the amount can be less than authorization amount, so there can be several capture transactions.

For refund transactions the transaction amount can be different from the line items total amount being refunded, because sometimes there can be non-full refunds, or refunds that are bigger than the cost of line items.

Allowed Values




Transaction: Currency

The currency of the transaction.


Since the Shopify store can operate in just one currency, it’s best to have the transaction currency the same as the Order currency, and as the Store default currency. Shopify doesn’t do any currency conversions.

Allowed Values

Currency code in ISO 4217 format



Transaction: Shop Currency Amount


Export only

The transaction amount converted to the store currency.


Allowed Values




Transaction: Shop Currency


Export only

The stores currency.




Transaction: Status

The transaction status is mainly for the export.


When importing, there is no point importing transactions with statuses other than success.

Allowed Values

success pending failure error



Transaction: Message


Export only

Transaction comment generated by the Shopify. Usually the name of the reply of the used payment gateway.


Allowed Values



PayPal Confirmed

Transaction: Gateway

The name of the used payment gateway.


When importing void or refund transaction, must match the same gateway as the original transaction.

Allowed Values




Transaction: Force Gateway


Imported only

This column works as an apps safety mechanism so that real transactions are not issued when migrating data from store to store.


If left empty or is value FALSE then the app will set the imported Transaction: Gateway to manual (<gateway>).

If you wish to create transactions with a real gateway for refunds or captures, please set this column to the value TRUE.

Allowed Values




Transaction: Payment Method


Export only

Transactions payment method.


Allowed Values




Transaction: Wallet


Export only

Transactions card payment digital wallet which is used for accelerated checkouts


Allowed Values






Transaction: Test

TRUE if this is a test transaction.


Allowed Values




Transaction: Authorization

Authorization code provided by the payment gateway.


When importing Capture transactions, the app will use this column to match Capture with Authorization transactions.
If there are multiple unique Authorization transactions with the same value in this column, the app will add a unique suffix to ensure that it can be used to match Capture transactions.

Allowed Values




Transaction: Payment ID

The payment ID associated with the transaction.


Allowed Values




Transaction: Device ID

The ID for the device.


Allowed Values




Transaction: User ID

The ID for the user who was logged into the Shopify POS device when the order was processed, if applicable.


Allowed Values




Transaction: Parent ID

Shopify generated parent transaction ID.


When importing Capture transactions app will use transactions with this ID as parent transactions.
If there is no transaction with such ID then Transaction: Authorization the column will be used.

Allowed Values




Transaction: Error Code


Export only

The error code, indicating the reason for failed transaction. The same codes for any payment gateway.


Allowed Values

incorrect_number invalid_number invalid_expiry_date invalid_cvc expired_card incorrect_cvc incorret_zip incorrect_address card_declined processing_error call_issuer pick_up_card



Transaction: CC AVS Result


Export only

The Response code from AVS the address verification system. The code is a single letter; see this chart for the codes and their definitions.


Allowed Values

One character

Transaction: CC Bin


Export only

The issuer identification number (IIN), formerly known as bank identification number (BIN) of the customer’s credit card. This is made up of the first few digits of the credit card number.


Allowed Values




Transaction: CC CVV Result


Export only

The Response code from the credit card company indicating whether the customer entered the card security code, a.k.a. card verification value, correctly. The code is a single letter or empty string; see this chart for the codes and their definitions.


Allowed Values

One character

Transaction: CC Number


Export only

The customer’s credit card number, with most of the leading digits masked with •.


Allowed Values

Masked Card Number


•••• •••• •••• 4242

Transaction: CC Company


Export only

The name of the company who issued the customer’s credit card.


Allowed Values






Transactions – Risk Columns

Each Order has an associated fraud risk evaluation from Shopify or other risk assessment service, which is exported to risk those columns.




Risk: Source


Export only

The source of the risk assessment.


Allowed Values




Risk: Score


Export only

A number between 0 and 1 that is assigned to the order. The closer the score is to 1, the more likely it is that the order is fraudulent.


Allowed Values

Decimal number



Risk: Recommendation


Export only

Suggested recommendation for the action to take on the Order in terms of mitigating the risk:


  • cancel: This order should be canceled by the merchant.

  • investigate: This order might be fraudulent and needs further investigation.

  • accept: This check found no indication of fraud.

Allowed Values

cancel investigate accept



Risk: Cause Cancel


Export only

This will indicate that this risk was severe enough to force the cancellation of the order.


Allowed Values




Risk: Message


Export only

A message explaining the risk.


Allowed Values



This order came from an anonymous proxy.




Each Order can have none, one or many fulfillments, which are essential – the deliveries of ordered line items. Each fulfillment can contain one or many line items of different quantities grouped by the “Fulfillment: ID” column.

You can fill “Fulfillment: …” columns in the rows that have “Line: Type” set as “Line Item” and the app will fulfill that line item for its full quantity.




Fulfillment: ID

Fulfillment ID generated by Shopify.


Is used to group together line items into fulfillments. Those columns need to be filled for the Line: Type “Fulfillment Line”.

Rows with the same Fulfillment ID will be grouped into the same fulfillment.

When importing, you can invent your own Fulfillment ID, which will allow you to group line items into fulfillments, but it will not be set in the Shopify, it will be only used by the app to group Fulfillments.

Allowed Values




Fulfillment: Status

The status of the fulfillment.


  • success: The fulfillment was successful.

  • cancelled: The fulfillment was cancelled.

  • error: There was an error with the fulfillment request.

  • failure: The fulfillment request failed.

With import only success and cancelled can be set for the Order Fulfillment.

Allowed Values

success cancelled



Fulfillment: Created At


Export only

Date and time when the fulfillment was created.


When importing, the fulfillment will be dated at the moment when it is being imported.

Allowed Values

Date & Time


2018-12-17 18:20:07 +0200

Fulfillment: Updated At


Export only

Date and time when the fulfillment was last updated.


Allowed Values

Date & Time


2018-12-17 18:20:07 +0200

Fulfillment: Processed At


Import only

Date and time for your last Fulfillment Event.


If you have “Fulfillment: Shipment Status” set to “delivered” or “failure” then this is the delivery or delivery failure date that is displayed in Shopify.

Shopify displays this value in the UTC time-zone even if you have saved it in your time-zone.

Allowed Values

Date & Time


2018-12-17 18:20:07 +0200

Fulfillment: Tracking Company

The name of the tracking company – either empty or written exactly as required by Shopify.

See the full list of Shopify-supported tracking companies in Shopify documentation.


Allowed Values




Fulfillment: Location

The name of your Location where the fulfillment is being shipped from.


If you leave it empty then the app will assume the first location from your Locations.

Read more about Multi-Location Inventory.

Important: If your inventory is managed by external service, like Amazon or Oberlo – then using this location to create a fulfillment, will actually initiate fulfillment in that fulfillment service – meaning, it will ship those line items to the customer.

Allowed Values

Location Name


Main Warehouse

Fulfillment: Shipment Status

The delivery status for the order shipment.


  • label_printed: A label for the shipment was purchased and printed.

  • label_purchased: A label for the shipment was purchased, but not printed.

  • attempted_delivery: Delivery of the shipment was attempted, but unable to be completed.

  • ready_for_pickup: The shipment is ready for pickup at a shipping depot.

  • confirmed: The carrier is aware of the shipment, but hasn’t received it yet.

  • in_transit: The shipment is being transported between shipping facilities on the way to its destination.

  • out_for_delivery: The shipment is being delivered to its final destination.

  • delivered: The shipment was succesfully delivered.

  • failure: Something went wrong when pulling tracking information for the shipment, such as the tracking number was invalid or the shipment was canceled.

You can also set date for your Shipment Status in the “Fulfillment: Processed At” field.
If your Shipment Status is “delivered” or “failure” then the date will be displayed in Shopify.

In Shopify admin will show as the Order “Delivery Status”.

Allowed Values

label_printed label_purchased attempted_delivery ready_for_pickup confirmed in_transit out_for_delivery delivered failure



Fulfillment: Tracking Number

Tracking number provided by the shipping company.


Allowed Values

Semicolon-separated strings


112345Z2345; 12362z2n568ssdg; abc123987qwe

Fulfillment: Tracking URL

The URL to track the shipment.


If provided, then it will be imported as given.

If empty, then Shopify will generate it from the tracking company and tracking number combination.

Allowed Values

Semicolon-separated strings


https://mypost.com/mail.php?code=123; https://mypost.com/mail.php?code=abc123

Fulfillment: Send Receipt

Tells whether to send a notification Email to the Customer when the Fulfillment is created or updated.


The default is FALSE.

Allowed Values






Optional – Shipping Columns

  • It does not matter what is the “Line: Type” where you list this Shipping.

  • Only information about one shipping can be added thru these columns if multiple rows will be filled the app will take Shipping from first that has a value in any of these columns.

  • If you will also have Shipping Line then the app will add both Shipping to the Order.

Here are all the extra columns you can add to your Order import to add Shipping when creating an Order.

Shipping Line: Title

The shipping title, written in free form.


Allowed Values




Shipping Line: Code

The shipping code usually has value “custom”.


Allowed Values




Shipping Line: Source

The shipping source, usually “shopify”.


Allowed Values




Shipping Line: Price

The price of the shipping applied to the order.


Allowed Values




Shipping Line: Tax Title

Title of the applied tax.


Allowed Values




Shipping Line: Tax Rate

The rate of tax applied.


Allowed Values




Shipping Line: Tax Price

The calculated tax in the order currency.


Allowed Values






Updating Orders

Shopify limits the ability to update existing Orders – as you also can see in the Shopify Admin that you can update only very limited data for an existing Order.

You can update (using the UPDATE or MERGE Command) only the following columns for Orders:






Order level contact email.


Order level contact phone number.

Processed At

You can change the date when Order was created. Will work only for orders created through the Apps.

Cancelled At

In some cases, Shopify might not allow canceling an order, for example, if it is already being fulfilled. Although you specify the date here, the Order will be made cancelled as of the moment of the import, because Shopify doesn’t set specific cancel time.

Cancel: Reason

Can only cancel an Order with one of the following reasons: customer, inventory, fraud, declined, other. If the cancel reason is not specified, the “other” reason will be assumed by default.

Cancel: Send Receipt

Set to TRUE if at the moment of cancelling the Order, you need the client to receive the e-mail notification about the cancelled payment.

Closed At

Makes the Order to become Archived. To unarchive, import this column as empty. Although you specify the date here, the Order will be made archived as of the moment of the import, because Shopify doesn’t set specific archive time.

Additional Details

Customer: ID

Can only set to empty ID – that will remove the Customer from the Order. Cannot switch the Order to another Customer.

Customer: Email

This will change the Contact Information of that Order.

Customer: Phone

This will change the Contact Information of that Order.

Shipping: First Name

Shipping: Last Name

Shipping: Company

Shipping: Phone

Shipping: Address 1

Shipping: Address 2

Shipping: Zip

Shipping: Province

Shipping: Province Code

Line: Type

Fulfillment: ID

Fulfillment: Status

Fulfillment: Tracking Company

Fulfillment: Shipment Status

Fulfillment: Tracking Number

Fulfillment: Tracking URL

Metafield: …

Any Metafields can be updated.

You can also add the Line Items to an existing Order, by specifying the “Line: Command” as “MERGE”, and filling in the “Line: …” columns for that Order.

For specific typical Orders updating scenarios, look into Tutorials / Orders.


Export Filters

In the Matrixify app, you can apply filters to Export only specific items from your Shopify Store.
When creating new export, select what you wish to export, and under that entity click on the “Filters” button.

Note: total displayed item count and estimated time won’t be affected by the filters applied.





Allows you to list specific Order IDs to export.

Separated by a comma.


Possible Conditions

  • equals to any of

  • not equal to any of




Allows to export Orders that starts with any of the text.

Separated by a comma.


Possible Conditions

  • equals to any of

  • starts with any of


#1015, #1023

Created At

Allows exporting Orders which were created in the Shopify within a specific date range.


Relative date condition allows you to export Orders that have been created in the last full amount of time.

For example – Last 1 Days, would export Orders from last full day, so yesterday.

Possible Conditions

  • on or after

  • on or before

  • date range

  • relative date

Updated At

Allows exporting Orders which were last updated in the Shopify within a specific date rangeRelative date condition allows you to export Orders that have been updated in the last full amount of time.


For example – Last 1 Days, would export Orders from last full day, so yesterday.

Possible Conditions

  • on or after

  • on or before

  • date range

  • relative date

Processed At

Allows exporting Orders which were processed in the Shopify within a specific date rangeRelative date condition allows you to export Orders that have been updated in the last full amount of time.


For example – Last 1 Days, would export Orders from last full day, so yesterday.

Possible Conditions

  • on or after

  • on or before

  • date range

  • relative date


Allows to export Orders that have all listed tags, any of listed tags or none of the listed tags.

Separated by a comma.


Possible Conditions

    • contains any of

    • contains all of

    • contains none of

    • equals to any of

    • equals to all of

    • not equal to any of

    • starts with any of

    • is empty

    • is not empty

    • matches pattern


tag1, tag2, tag3


It allows you to export all Orders that have a specific status.


You can select multiple conditions in this filter. Selecting all would be the same as not applying the filter.

Possible Conditions

  • Open

  • Canceled

  • Archived

Payment Status

Allows exporting all Orders with specific Payment Status


You can select multiple conditions in this filter. Selecting all would be the same as not applying the filter.

Possible Conditions

  • Unpaid

  • Authorized

  • Pending

  • Partially Paid

  • Paid

  • Partially Refunded

  • Refunded

  • Voided

Fulfillment Status

Allows exporting all Orders with specific Fulfillment Status.


You can select multiple conditions in this filter. Selecting all would be the same as not applying the filter.

Possible Conditions

  • Unfulfilled

  • Partially Fulfilled

  • Fulfilled

Discount Code

Allows to export Orders where specific Discount Code has been used.

Separated by a comma.


Possible Conditions

  • equals to any of

  • not equal to any of

  • contains any of

  • starts with any of


CODE 123, Summer-Sale

Payment Gateway

Allows you to export Orders where a specific Payment Gateway has been used.


Possible Conditions

  • equals to any of

  • not equal to any of




Allows export Orders that are coming from a specific source.


Possible Conditions

  • equals to any of

  • not equal to any of



Customer: Tax Exempt

Allows export Orders that are linked to tax exempt customers.


Possible Conditions

  • Yes

  • No

Billing: Country Code

Filters Orders that have billing address with specific country code.


You can list multiple two-digit country codes, separated by a comma.
You can see a list of all Shopify approved Countries and their codes in Matrixify Countries and Provinces documentation.

Possible Conditions

  • equals to any of

  • not equal to any of



Shipping: Country Code

Filters Orders that have shipping address with specific country code.


You can list multiple two-digit country codes, separated by a comma.
You can see a list of all Shopify approved Countries and their codes in Matrixify Countries and Provinces documentation.

Possible Conditions

  • equals to any of

  • not equal to any of



Line: Type

Filter only Orders that have specific lines in them. For example, selecting Transaction will only export Orders that have Transactions.


Possible Conditions

  • Line Item

  • Discount

  • Shipping Line

  • Refund Line

  • Refund Shipping

  • Transaction

  • Fulfillment Line

Line: Product Handle

A comma-separated list of the product Handle fragments. Will look through all the Line Items and if any of them will contain this Handle, then the whole Order will get included in the export.


Possible Conditions

  • equals to any of


my-product-handle, other-product-handle

Line: Title

Comma-separated list of the product Titles. Will look through all the Line Items and if any of them will contain this product Title, then the whole Order will get included in the export.


Possible Conditions

  • contains any of

  • contains all of

  • contains none of

  • equals to any of

  • equals to all of

  • not equal to any of

  • starts with any of

  • matches pattern


Honey, Shirt Summer

Line: Name

Comma-separated list of the product name. Will look through all the Line Items and if any of them will contain this product name, then the whole Order will get included in the export.

Line item name is line item title and line item variant title combination.


Possible Conditions

  • contains any of

  • contains all of

  • contains none of

  • equals to any of

  • equals to all of

  • not equal to any of

  • starts with any of

  • matches pattern


Honey - Red / S, Bee Shirt - Blue

Line: Variant ID

Comma-separated list of line item variant IDs if the line item is linked to a product variant in the store.


Possible Conditions

  • equals any of

  • equals all of

  • not equal to any of


12311123423, 2342342342

Line: Variant Title

Comma-separated list of the product variant titles. Will look through all the Line Items and if any of them will contain this product variant title, then the whole Order will get included in the export.


Possible Conditions

  • contains any of

  • contains all of

  • contains none of

  • equals to any of

  • equals to all of

  • not equal to any of

  • starts with any of

  • matches pattern


Red / S, Blue / L

Line: Vendor

Comma-separated list of the product Vendor name fragments. Will look through all the Line Items and if any of them will contain this product Vendor, then the whole Order will get included in the export.


Possible Conditions

  • contains any of

  • contains all of

  • contains none of

  • equals to any of

  • equals to all of

  • not equal to any of


Vendor-1, Vendor Other

Line: SKU

Allows exporting Orders that have at least one Line Item with specific SKU/s.

Separated by a comma.


Possible Conditions

  • contains any of

  • contains all of

  • contains none of

  • equals to any of

  • equals to all of

  • not equal to any of


MY-SKU-1, Other SKU, SKU123123

Line: Variant Inventory Qty

Filters the Orders export by Line Items linked Product Variant current total Inventory Quantity.


Possible Conditions

  • equals

  • less than

  • less than or equal to

  • greater than

  • greater than or equal to

  • between



Fulfillment: Created At

Filter Orders by the Fulfillment Created date.

Export only Orders that have Fulfillments within a specific date range.Note – Order can have multiple Fulfillments some also not completed, failed and other statuses.

This filer will filter by all the fulfillments in the Order regardless of their status.


Possible Conditions

  • on or after

  • on or before

  • date range

  • relative date

Fulfillment: Updated At

Filter Orders by the Fulfillment Updated date.

Export only Orders that have Fulfillments within a specific date range.Note – Order can have multiple Fulfillments some also not completed, failed and other statuses.

This filer will filter by all the fulfillments in the Order regardless of their status.


Possible Conditions

  • on or after

  • on or before

  • date range

  • relative date

Refund: Created At

Filter Orders by their refund created dates.


Export only Orders that have Refunds within a specific date range.

Possible Conditions

  • on or after

  • on or before

  • date range

  • relative date


Filters the Orders export by Order level Metafields.


Specify Metafield by:

  • Namespace

  • Key

  • Value

Possible Conditions for Text value

  • equals to any of

  • not equal to any of

  • contains any of

  • contains all of

  • contains none of

  • matches pattern

  • contains

  • does not contain

  • is empty

  • is not empty

Possible Conditions for Number value

  • equals

  • less than

  • less than or equal to

  • greater than

  • greater than or equal to

  • between

  • is empty

  • is not empty




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